Braces have become a popular treatment for correcting crooked teeth and improving overall oral health. However, despite their effectiveness, there are still many myths surrounding braces that may discourage adults and parents from seeking this treatment for either themselves or for their children.

In this article, we will debunk the top 5 myths about braces and provide you with the facts every parent needs to know.

Myth 1: Braces are only for cosmetic purposes

One of the most common myths about braces is that they are only for improving the appearance of crooked teeth. While braces can certainly help to straighten teeth and create a more confident smile, their benefits go far beyond just aesthetics.

Braces also play a crucial role in correcting bite issues such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. These issues can lead to problems with chewing, speaking, and even breathing if left untreated.

Additionally, properly aligned teeth can make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Myth 2: Only teenagers can get braces

Another misconception about braces is that they are only suitable for teenagers. While it is true that many people get braces during adolescence, there is no age limit for getting orthodontic treatment.

In fact, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their oral health and correct any issues with their bite.

Over the past decade, the number of adult orthodontic patients has surged by 40%, with approximately 32% of individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment in the U.S. and Canada being adults.

Myth 3: Braces are painful

The idea of metal wires and brackets being attached to teeth can be intimidating and may lead some to believe that braces are a painful experience. However, the truth is that modern braces have significantly improved in terms of comfort.

The initial placement of braces may cause some discomfort as the mouth adjusts to them, but this typically only lasts for a few days and can easily be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

After that, braces should not cause any significant discomfort, and adjustments made during follow-up appointments are often quick and painless.

Myth 4: Braces require strict dietary restrictions

Another common myth about braces is that they limit what you can eat. While it is true that certain foods, such as hard or sticky candies and nuts, should be avoided to prevent damage to the braces, there are still plenty of options for a balanced and enjoyable diet.

Soft foods like mashed potatoes, soups, and yogurt are all safe choices for those with braces.

Additionally, many orthodontists provide patients with a list of recommended foods to help them navigate their diet during treatment.

Myth 5: Braces are unattractive and embarrassing

Our last myth about braces is that they are unattractive and embarrassing to wear.

Some people may be hesitant to get braces because they believe they will be unattractive and cause embarrassment. However, with the advancements in orthodontic technology, there are now various types of braces that are much less noticeable than traditional metal ones.

Clear aligners or Invisalign, for example, are virtually invisible and can provide effective results without being noticeable. Additionally, many young patients see braces as a rite of passage and embrace their new look with confidence.

Why You Should Get Braces For Yourself Or Your Kids

Now that we have debunked the top 5 myths about braces, you may be wondering why you should consider getting them for yourself or your child.

Here are a few reasons why braces can be beneficial:

  • Improves overall oral health: As mentioned earlier, braces help to correct bite issues and straighten teeth, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Boosts self-confidence: Straighter teeth can improve one’s confidence and self-esteem, leading to better social interactions and opportunities.
  • Prevents future dental problems: Orthodontic treatment can prevent more severe dental issues from developing in the future, saving time and money on potential procedures.

Overall, braces offer numerous benefits beyond just improving appearance, making them a worthwhile investment in your oral health and overall well-being.

Why Choose Gragg Orthodontics?

At Gragg Orthodontics, our team is dedicated to providing top-quality orthodontic treatment for patients of all ages. Our philosophy is to provide personalized care and create beautiful smiles that will last a lifetime.

We believe in educating our patients and their families about the truth behind common myths surrounding braces to help them make informed decisions about their oral health. Don’t let these misconceptions hold you back from achieving a healthy and confident smile – schedule a consultation with us today!


Braces offer numerous benefits beyond just straightening teeth and improving appearance. They can correct bite issues, improve oral health, and are suitable for patients of all ages.

With modern advancements in orthodontic treatment, braces are more comfortable, versatile, and discreet than ever before. Don’t let myths and misconceptions hold you back from seeking this beneficial treatment.

Consult with us here at Gragg Orthodontics or with an experienced orthodontist to learn more about how braces can benefit you or your child’s oral health.

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